Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Not Again??? - Nina's Injury
Menina's Recovery Timeline - Projection
Mar 11, 2013 - Surgery
- Dr. Blackford - Blackford Surgical Referral
- Repair luxated superior digital flexor -
Month 1: Restricted to crate March 11 - April 14
- Crate only for five weeks - day and night
- Walk on leash - only to potty. Absolutely no running, jumping, or stairs!
- With cast for first 2 weeks / without cast for 3 weeks more
- No running or jumping.
- Start slow. As long as she is not sore, continue to increase the activity.
- Also do range of motion exercises on the hock to help her tissue to heal in the right orientation.
- PCA will be during the first part of this period. April 17-24
- Safari trip starts during last week of this period - Departing May 7
- So first week at the Stone's would be "No Running for Nina"
Month 3: Start running / No agility May 13 - June 09
- Can begin some running. Start slow and build up over four weeks.
- Second week at Carol's can be more active allowing more active inside play and some off leash outside play
- Home from safari May 23. (gone for 17 days)
- Don't start agility yet. Must avoid weaving and jumping until the month 3 restriction is over.
- Can start tracking after Safari - if progressing well.
- Participation in CCPC WC/WCX at Atchley Farm? MAYBE???? June 1 and 2
Month 4: Re-Introduce Agility Training June 10 - July 07
- Gradually return to agility activities.
- Make sure you gradually re-introduce jumping and weaving.
- The tissue should be adequately healed so she shouldn't re-injure herself.
- Dr. Blackford has never had a re-injury for this problem, but she has never repaired this problem in an agility dog. The scar tissue (when adequately healed) should be stronger than the normal tissue.
Return to Competition Jul 9
- Ready for Agility Competition - Assuming all goes according to plan.
7/11-14 Franklin 4 days
7/10-14 Perry 5 days
7/26-28 Tallahassee (Brainbridge GA) 3 days
8/8-11 Hattisburg, MS 4 days
8/22-25 Murfreesboro 4 days
8/31-9/2 Buckner, KY 3 days
9/6-8 Alpharetta 3 days
9/20-22 Waynesville, NC 3 days
10/4-6 Youngsville, NC 3 days
10/11-14 White Pine 3 days
10/19-20 New Hill, NC 2 days
10/24-27 Paducah, KY 4 days
10/25-27 Huntsville, AL 3 days
11/1-3 Murfreesboro 3 days
12/6-8 TVKC Harriman
Sunday, February 10, 2013
The good news is that thousands of animal lovers (but not enough) have heard what we've beensaying. Canine Health Concern members around the world use real food as Nature's supremedisease preventative, eschewing processed pet food, and minimise the vaccine risk. Some of us,myself included, have chosen not to vaccinate our pets at all. Our reward is healthy and long-lived dogs.
It has taken but one paragraph to tell you the good and simple news. The gratitude I feel eachday, when I embrace my healthy dogs, stretches from the centre of the Earth to the Universe andbeyond.
About the Author:
Catherine O'Driscoll runs Canine Health Concern which campaigns and also delivers an educationalprogram, the Foundation in Canine Healthcare. She is author of Shock to the System (2005; see review thisissue), the best-selling book What Vets Don't Tell You About Vaccines (1997, 1998), and Who Killed theDarling Buds of May? (1997; reviewed in NEXUS 4/04).
She lives in Scotland with her partner, Rob Ellis, and three Golden Retrievers, named Edward, Daniel andGwinnie, and she lectures on canine health around the world.
For more information, contact Catherine O'Driscoll at Canine Health Concern, PO Box 7533, Perth PH21AD, Scotland, UK, email , website to the System is available in the UK from CHC, and worldwide from Dogwise at
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Happy New Year - 2013
Happy New Year to all from Tennessee! I always love the enthusiasm and optimism of starting a new year.
My girl, Nina, turned 4 last month. How does it happen that time passes so quickly? Wasn't is just recently that I brought back home that tiny, fluffy, wiggly, ball of fur that would climb over the top of a 4 ft tall X-pen in a heartbeat?
We are continuing our love for agility. We trialed in Florida last week for the first time (Palmetto) and are closing in on MACH3. Agility goals for 2013: Perform well at our first AKC nationals, train more / trial less, expand our horizon to include some USDAA events, chair my club's agility trial next December.
Retrieving remains one of the most fun things I do with my poodle. Any time spent outside surrounded by nature is enjoyable, but seeing the joy and intensity of a poodle retrieving ducks, bumpers, or even tennis balls is a blast. 2013: Participate in local retriever club activities, improve "steady on the the line" and "hold" skills, and bronze medallion - here we come!
Tracking is another excuse to get outside! It is incredible what dogs can do and how they can use their innate abilities to play the games we invent! Training is time consuming and challenging. Having two experienced tracking poodle friends in my area has seriously increased the slope of my learning curve and been a lot of fun. 2013: Be ready for TD at PCA nationals in April.
I may have finally overcome my resistance to obedience this past year. I put more fun into our drills and learned to incorporate obedience skills into daily activities. 2013: CD and competing in Open at PCA.
Health and fitness for 2013: Walking, trotting, and running are key to keeping us both in top form. Body awareness activities and tricks for Nina and yoga and strength training for me.
Friendship and relationships: I am so amazed at the richness and blessings that my dog friends, especially poodle friends, have added to my life. For 2013, I want to be grateful for and nurture my existing friendships and be open to getting to know more of the wonderful world of poodle owners.
Health, success, and fun for you all in 2013.